
Our Discovery Response Creator is the first of its kind. It automates one of the most tedious and time-consuming tasks of litigation: responding to written discovery requests. Without our tool, an attorney or paralegal would typically copy and paste discovery requests from the original PDF received from opposing counsel, and correct all the formatting issues, or perhaps even manually retype the requests, just to prepare a response shell as a first step. The attorney or paralegal would then have to read each request, determine the relevant objection(s), and insert/type the corresponding responses. Depending on the number of discovery requests this task can easily take 1-3 hours per request set, even before substantively responding to the requests. The Discovery Response Creator entirely eliminates these tedious tasks, serving as a supercharged productivity tool that allows legal professionals to respond to the same discovery requests, in just a few minutes. The BASIC version allows a user to upload a written discovery request (e.g. requests for production, interrogatories, requests for admissions, etc.) and in mere minutes, generate a fully formatted response shell (in MS WORD) aided by our proprietary SMARTOBJECT® function which instantly analyzes the content of each request to suggest targeted objections for each request.


Our CUSTOM version, appropriate for high-volume matters, automatically suggests responses based on a client's own historical (and pre-approved) responses. Finally, a tool that eliminates costly inconsistencies, increases efficiency exponentially, and most important of all, elevates your legal team to perform higher value tasks. Our Discovery Response Creator Plus is currently used by in-house counsel at large corporations, insurance carriers and law firms to automate written discovery responses for such matters as motor vehicle and premises liability, product liability, vehicle warranty (lemon law) and other high volume practice areas.


BASIC VERSION - Our advanced AI and OCR technology identifies the type of discovery uploaded, to extract and analyze each individual request. Based on this detailed analysis of each discovery request, our system instantly suggests objections applicable to each specific request. For example, when presented with a request for medical records, our SMARTOBJECT® system will incorporate a medical privacy objection in its output (if applicable in your jurisdiction). Using our point-and-click functionality, a user can easily and quickly select responses from a menu of applicable jurisdiction-specific choices (of both responses and objections) to complete a full response in mere minutes.

CUSTOM VERSION - Suited for high-volume matters, this version is fully custom-built by ingesting a client's own historical responses to discovery requests, essentially creating a "data warehouse" that is used to quickly and accurately respond to common discovery requests. Once a new discovery request is uploaded to our system, it automatically searches the full range of discovery responses that were previously produced for the exact same or similar request at issue, and "fetches" the top matches. The attorney or paralegal user can then make a final selection from the options presented. Our customers have called this (and our other solutions), a “GAME CHANGER.”